....for close quarters, a shotgun (w/ BB or OO size shot) is really your best choice for home defense....a semi m1 carbine would be reasonable (but not for hunting)....though if you prefer a bolt rifle, that infers a little more reach out and touch (and over penetration will be a real concern) and slow sustained rate of fire....however a 12ga Browning A-bolt with a sabot slug is a good choice for hunting too (w/o having to worry what is miles down range) though I would never suggest using shot shells through a rifled barrel....
....if you have a perimeter to defend (and clear field of fire), a SK, mini 14 or ar-15 will give a higher sustained rate of fire with good accuracy 200-300m....as well a M1A1 (.308) or a Garand (.30-06) will offer heavier hitting power and good accuracy 300-600m++....but not legal for hunting in many places....
....though back to the bolt actions....the Enfield makes a good elephant gun (lol), depending upon your proficiency and quality of the rifling (remember a lot of these rifles have been fired literally 10's of thousands of times) should be good for hunting or perimeter defense 300-600m++....but for close quarters, hahaha, unless you have a bayonet....then take it off and stab the f'r....just remember to have a .357 in your other hand in case it gets stuck....lol
**edit**Im looking for a gun that can be used as both a hunting rifle and a home defence rifle.?
In regards to accuracy, the ranges you will be dealing with in a home defense situation are less than 10 yards, so hollow points will not really be zooming off on odd tangents or anything of that sort.
If you want a good hunting rifle that'll also serve you well as a home-defense rifle, I can suggest the Ruger Tropical 1 .375 H%26amp;H magnum. This is unfortunately a single-shot, but with the .375 H%26amp;H round, you can stop a buffalo, so you can definately stop a man.
But for home-defense? A rifle? Maybe get yourself a Mossberg 590, or a pistol (plenty of threads here on CCW and personal defense pistol preferences). Rifles in general aren't that good for home defense. But if you like bolt action rifles, I'm tellin ya, go for the Ruger No. 1 It's less than a grand, and it WILL stop anything you hit.
You are asking for a double weapon. One for long range shooting at game animals and another for very short range, inside the home use. The long range gun should range 100 to 300 yards with good knockdown for all game and the short range which must have a fast muzzle swing and be on your person at all times in your home. This also must have knock down power but little secondary penetration. It should go in and rattle around but not come out. In home if it penetrates the target of a full size person and goes out it may penetrate a house wall. If you miss and it penetrates a wall it could also do the same in the neighbors wall. For home security, know who is in your home. Most home intrusions, the intruder has been in the home in the recent past. Who do you intend to defend against? Other neighbors? Gangs, why are they bothering you?
Hollow point bullets in rifle calibers will penetrate walls just as bad as any other bullet.
The only rifle I consider useful for hunting and defensive use is a lever-action carbine in pistol calibers.
My Social Rifle is a pre-safety Rossi M-92 Saddle Ring Carbine in .357 Magnum. If you don't handload, a Rossi M-92 in .44 RemMag or .45 LC, or a Marlin M-1894 in the same calibers would be a better choice.
The major advantage to using a pistol caliber lever-action rifle as your hunting and defense rifle is that you can use high performance magnum loads for hunting, and for in home defensive use, you can load it with .38 SPL or .44 SPL ammo for adequate power and less danger of over penetration. And you have ten fast shots on tap if you need them.
The .303 Enfield, or .30-'06 M-1 Garand are lousy choices for home defense, unless you live way out in the country and want to defend your home at long range. An M-1 Carbine would be a fair home defense rifle, but it is pretty iffy as a deer cartridge.
BTW, the M-1 Garand and M-1 Carbine are both semi-automatic firearms, not bolt-actions.
If you are going to use a long gun for HD ir should be a riot gun or carbine
Of the guns you listed the M1Carbine is the only one I would choose, but I'm not so sure that I like the caliber for hunting anything over small deer or small hogs
The Garand, 03s and Enfield are great hunting guns (unless you are restricted to five rounds then the Garand is out) but I think they would be too cumbersome to be considered a suitable HD gun unless you plan on using them for perimeter defense
I don't think I would ever restrict myself to a bolt action for interior HD these days
from a serious rifle, the hollowpoints are still going to rip though walls like nobodies business.
Check http://www.theboxotruth.com/ for wall penetration tests.
The M-1 carbine won't cut it as a hunting rifle, the M1 Garand and the 1903A3/4 are a bit hard to find, and for the same amount of cash you can get a brand spanking new bolt action rifle by remington, winchester, tikka, savage, cz, and a whole slew of others.
It would help us help you if we knew what kind of hunting you were interested in.
Get an SKS, hard to go wrong there, and it is inexpensive.
okay, first you want two separate guns. any of those above rifles would be fine for hunting deer, except the m1 carbine. it is good out to 100 m or so, but i wouldn't suggest hunting with it. the reason that bullets over penetrate is because they are high powered and high velocity. as for hollow points, they will penetrate but not as far as a full metal jacket. hollow point bullets are very accurate.
as for a home defense weapon, get yourself a nice 12 gauge shotgun...that is by far the best home defense out there.....
hope this helps you out....and good luck with your choice
Rifles in most situations are not good home defense weapons. Commonly one would use a handgun for home defense and a rifle for hunting.
I think for your situation you should consider two firearms for your two scenarios. Hunting I would look at a 30-06 and for home defense a colt 1911 variant. Hope that helps
Rifles are never good choices for home defense, and hollow-point bullets can be relied upon to expand, go through a person, and keep going a long, long ways. If you must, you'll want something quite short and handy like the Remington model 7, in a light caliber with a varmint bullet.
The gun that fits the bill is a Mossberg 500 field / security model... It comes with 2 barrels. One for barrel is for hunting and when you get home swap in the 18 1/2 inch defense barrel..... Take a look below... If you really want a rifle then be aware ALL rifle bullets can overpenetrate... Use hollow or soft point rifle bullets for less penetration but be aware they can still endanger a family member or neighbor in the next house..... I have a Mossberg 500 for home defense AND a Ruger Mini 14..... The Ruger is smaller, light weight AND MOST OF ALL its polite looking.... If you justifiable had to shoot an attacker in your home there still is a possibilty that a district attorney will still have a grand jury hearing to see if you should be charged..... Do you really want him holding up some big military type rifle???? Get a Mossberg 500 or a Ruger Mini 14....
in an urban situation, a rifle may be the worst choice for home defense, even with a hollow point bullet. As noted, the main reason is over penetration and liability. A much better choice is a good shotgun with a 20'; barrel. this will work very well for home defense, and with slugs, can be used for hunting any north American animal out to 100 yards. yes this limits you to closer shots for hunting. But it is a trade off to get the home defense weapon/hunting weapon as one. Now if your anticipating the end of the world, or massive riots with a breakdown of civilization, then by all means go with a better ranging, faster shooting semi auto rifle in a heavier caliber such as the Springfield M'14 in .308 caliber. but the best choice is going to be, get one type for home defense (shotgun with short barrel) and one for hunting.
good luck
I would agree with most answers, a shot gun would be your best bet. or a pistol,,,,,,rifle as stated can pass through and wound a by stander putting you in deep crap,,,,a good load of 000 buck or 00 buck works much better,,,,
Stay away from the M1 cabine,,,,,,,its rather weak and not a good choice.
What are you hunting?
Sounds like you need a shotgun.
You can use buck shot for home defense or even some hunting.
If you need to take down a bigger animal, just use slugs.
You can use birdshot for smaller animals and birds obviously.
Get yourself a 30-30.* Thats all you'll need.*
get a pump action shotgun. and buckshot.
First of all are you living in a state that has a castle doctrine ?
if so your in good shape , if not I'd move to a state that believes in the constitution and the bill of rights .
2. The weapons aren't exactly the choice weapons for home defense . Think about it , your going to check your home for intruders, ever think of the length of your weapons ? its hard to navigate the muzzle on possible target or worse targets coming around a corner in your home (cutting the pie )
3. Realistically a rifle is for long distance like your Lee Enfield 303 and your M-1 Garand are for basic infantry and snipers of W.W.2 and Vietnam era
4. Now if you want to protect yourself your family and home you should purchase a 12 Ga. pump get rid of the shoulder stock and get a adjustable M-4 style stock by Knox Ind. this way you've given yourself the advantage of having heavy firepower and the ability to navigate through your home and keeping muzzle on target get a fiber optic scope for quick acquisition targeting or a very good laser / light combination
make sure it is grip activated so you dont remove your hands
from your weapon at any time
5. if you live in an apartment I suggest bean bag rounds or bird shot (however my rule is bird shot is for birds slugs are for thugs) if you live in a house 00 buck if you live in the country slugs and 00 buck stack them slug ,00 slug , 00 and so on and if you don't kill the threat make sure it cant have kids ( if they are that stupid to break into your home they got no need to breed )
6. Last but not least buy a handgun in .45 cal . its a big and slow round but very very effective in stopping power . make sure it isn't a cheaply made handgun either stay away from highpoint its garbage ( the slide breaks around the recoil spring ) and make sure your pistol can handle +P rounds i prefer CorBon +P sometimes an intruder wears a vest seems to be the new thing now so aim at the pelvic region you'll most likely hit bone if they cant stand they cant fight .
in short you want 2 different weapons 1 for home and 1 for hunting. good luck in your desision .
the m1 or an sks with a 20 round fixed mag,
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