Friday, January 22, 2010

Is your state making it harder to get a hunting permit?

Here in New Mexico they added That you have to have a Special number from the game and fish in order to apply for a permit. They have a web site that you can get one from But if you do not even have the internet or a computer. Then you can go to the Game and fish department and get one. Monday through Friday 8am- 5pm.Is your state making it harder to get a hunting permit?
A pretty fair number of PETA dumbasses here. Not in my state although some species they have drawing for. Like Whitetail in some areas, buffalo, and Javelina. I've been wanting a javelina tag for two years but I never get picked.Is your state making it harder to get a hunting permit?
No. In KY you have to go online to apply for an elk permit but most every thing else you can buy by phone, on line, or at the counter of most all stores that sell fishing and hunting stuff, even hardware stores and gas stations.

The state is going broke, they want it to be as easy and expensive as they can to hunt and fish.

i've read that Georgia is going to or may make it harder for non-residents to apply for hunting licenses.
Yea..they keep raising the price..for hunting and fishing.
They have this weird lottery drawing is very annoying. I miss hunting in Texas.
whats the point of a number system? really, what is it suppose to do? seems really pointless....
Never heard of that before..
So...What are you trying to tell us!
That would be a problem. Most of the hunters that I knew growing up in Virginia couldn't read, let alone operate a computer.

I don't agree with hunting, but don't take this to mean that I consider hunters stupid. This is just my specific personal experience with them.
sick bast4rd. Killing animals is a sport? You do know they are living things right...they deserve life, or at least to choose. How would you like it if I came to your house, and popped a cap in your ***? It's only hunting though right? You're an animal technically, so it's ok right? Evil bast4rd.
humans are over populating and a squirrel used to be able to go from the east coast of America to the west coast with out touching the ground. You know by just jumping from branch to branch.
yeah good news =)))))))
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