Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What is your stance on abortion, homosexuality, politics, religion, capitol punishment, & hunting?

Abortion: I support choice and abortion rights.

Homosexuality: I support equal rights under the law to heterosexuals.

Politics: All political parties are corrupt, just corrupt with different opinions. I have liberal views, but still choose not to support a corrupt party. Would that make me independent?

Religion: Fictional readings to keep order in society.

Capitol punishment: I do not support.

Hunting: I support hunting with regulations.What is your stance on abortion, homosexuality, politics, religion, capitol punishment, %26amp; hunting?
abortion: I don't really agree or disagree with it, but I'm pro-choice

homosexuality: It actually is natural and people shouldn't be condemned just for their orientation, also I support gay marriage

politics: Don't like the political system in the US, It is full of lies, misleadings, and false hope

religion: causes way too many people to be close-minded and intolerant

capital punishment: it is abhorrent and is still murder

hunting: I don't have anything against it, I would go hunting if I had the time and equipmentWhat is your stance on abortion, homosexuality, politics, religion, capitol punishment, %26amp; hunting?
abortion; have you ever stopped to think what this world would have been like if that president hadn't been murdered, or that doctor that might have come up with a cure for the common cold,or other people that might have made great changes in this world hadn't been murdered.

homosexuality; just plain wrong choices. it a choice, no one is born or made that way.

politics is nothing but a bunch of lies that has ruined this country.

religion or christianity is a real big deal in this country, most christianity has nothing to do with what God first made it to be. most so called christians today are hateful, stingy,self absorbed, closed minded, money rules their lives instead of God. look at the church parking lots on sunday morning at the high dollar vehicles, a man comes in to the church with dirty clothes smell of alcohol, and smokes on him he is treated like a lepper. a woman comes into the church dressed in a mini skirt and a lot of make up because it is the only clothes she has she is treated like a whore. in most churches people are scared to let their toddlers and babies make a lil noise, in our church the pastor says people let those children be heard if they get loud I will get louder. yes there is a point to stop the noise, but children get restless.

capitol punishment. if a person commits rape, rape em, then castrate em. if they commit murder, kill em. if they assault someone, assault em.

hunting; i think hunting should only be done as a source of food, this sport of hunting crap the word sport should have never been used. people that just go hunting for the sport of it, for trophies should be shot.
Abortion. Should be allowed. Seriously, if it was an accident by some deadbeat, its better off ';in a better place'; than growing up to be some drug dealer.

Homosexuality. Eh, whatever floats your boat is fine.

Politics. Australia- K Rudd seems alright, but for the love of god hurry up with some alternate energy solutions such as photovaltaic cells!

Religon. I think....don't get me's based on a lie (christianity), but religon *sometimes* or even mostly, brings out the good in some people

C P? Just encourages violence. Besides, I think a life sentence is punishment enough

Hunting for meat, not for sport.
abortion- Believe it's life when a baby is first conceived. Don't believe in abortion, but if it is a medical problem, I guess there is no choice

homosexuality - They exists but I don't support their lifestyle but whatever, they can do what they want, not my place to care. Don't support gay marriage.

politics- Not a fan of politics but I'll vote for who I think is the better side

religion - We shouldn't force people into religion, if they want, they will come to it themselves

capitol punishment- No, don't believe in that, it is not our place to decide who lives or die, life imprisonment can be the alternative

hunting - As long as its necessary and not to get some parts of the animals like tusks
hmm..that's a lot.

I'm against abortion in most cases

I'm fine with homosexuality. people are people.

I go along with most of what the Libertarian party says.

I'm not getting into religion because it's a lot to get into.

I support capital punishment

I'm fine with hunting for food, but against it for sport or for wearing fur.
abortion- a fetus is only a living thing at certain point of the pregnancy

homosexuality-being bisexual I know it is the genes you are born with , not a choice, evil possesing devils, mental disorder.....


religion- atheist

capitol punishment- only reserved for serial killers. by taking one life you save many others...

hunting- its only ok when its for meat that people are going to eat, i personally wouldn't partake in the sport version
I'm not crazy about abortion but I can see why it might be okay in some cases.

I have no problem with homosexuality.

I vote but I don't have a big interest in politics too often.

I am agnostic and hold no religion but I don't mind religion as long as it stays on it's own side.

I'm not crazy about capital punishment but in some cases I suppose I don't mind.

I don't like hunting unless it's for food. I don't think hunting should be done for fun.

That's my story and I'm sticking too it.
abortion: against it

homosexuality: i guess it's alright

politics: politics is too broad of a topic. do you mean political party? I don't have one

religion: i'm Christian

capitol punishment: we should make prisoners do productive work like work in a factory or something like that

hunting: it's alright
Abortion = MURDER

Homosexuality - I have no problem with homosexuality. I think gays are totally equal to the rest of us.

Politics - Conservative

Religion - Roman Catholic

Capitol Punishment - No man has the right to kill another human being

Hunting - Nothing wrong with that, especially if it's for food. Ever had fried duck? that's the best.
Abortion: A womans body is her own business, but three strikes and your out.

Homosexuality: Don't care, good for them.

Politics: I want to blow up the government, is that a good enough answer?

Religion: Has bred more wars than I can count.

Capitol Punishment: Any teacher lays a hand on my child and sh*t will fly.

Hunting: I eat meat, someone has to hunt it...or catch it,whatever.
Abortion - Against, except for rape cases

Homosexuality - Uh... I support gay marriage?

Politics - I don't conform to any party

Religion - People should have freedom to believe whatever they want

Capital Punishment - For

Hunting - Against when it's used as a sport
Abortion- For medical reasons

Homosexuality- Personal choice, but ewww

Politics- Affects us more than many people realize

Religion- Over rated

Capitol punishment- For heinous crimes only

Hunting- Becoming less popular
Lady Gaga is my fierce answer


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